Thoughtful lyrics - Heartfelt melodies
Blue Windows move seamlessly between Folk, Country and Americana through thoughtful lyrics, heartfelt melodies and a touch of whimsy earning them several finalist awards in songwriting.
Renowned for their quirky themes and insightful perspectives on human behaviour, they are here to tickle your funny bone and tug at your heartstrings. Blue Windows captures the essence of inner struggles, personal growth, and the complexities of relationships with people and the world around them in their music.
Their new album ‘Northern Sky’ delves into the battles with intrusive thoughts, the fight against external pressures, and the bittersweet journey of leaving behind the familiar to embrace the unknown. Their second studio album showcases their lyrical universe with an introspective narrative highlighting the resilience and evolving nature of the human spirit.
Blue Windows has received notable acclaim, finishing 3rd in the 2023 and 2024 at The Basin Songwriters Competition including a further 4 x Top 10 nominations as well as being shortlisted in the Australian Songwriters Association 2019 competition. Blue Windows songs are intimate and warm and gently nudge influences from The Waifs.
Having supported Alex Smith from Moving Pictures, the band has graced numerous venues across Geelong, Bellarine, the Surf Coast, and Melbourne, showcasing their musical prowess from the Workers Club and the Lomond Hotel to the Wesley Anne in Northcote.
Songwriting Achievements
* Finalist 2024 The Basin Music Festival - 3rd place
song 'Water in Wine'
* Finalist 2023 The Basin Music Festival - 3rd place
song 'Monday Mornings in May'
incl. 4 x Top 10 nominations
* Top 30 Australian Songwriters Association 2019
"Monday Mornings in May - 3rd place! This song is about loss, as well as great memories to treasure. I wrote it on guitar but we recorded it on piano on the album Borders"
Album #2
Album #2
Album #2
Extra long EP
Album #1